Speaker Details

Michelle Sandbrink
Fraport AG

Michelle Sandbrink

Michelle Sandbrink has been a project manager in corporate strategy and sustainability at Fraport AG since August 2023, where she leads climate protection initiatives and oversees the strategic development and monitoring of the company's decarbonization pathway. She has a background in geology and was previously a research associate at the Goethe University in Frankfurt researching the impact of climate change on microscopic single-celled organisms. In her spare time, she enjoys fossil hunting and hiking.
Day - 2 - Environment and sustainability - 16:35 - 17:30

Panel discussion: Adopting alternative energy measures – methods and progress

During recent years, the world has experienced the effects of climate change and the relevant need for a new business model. The airport sector is trying to mitigate its environmental impact by experimenting with new development strategies in which decarbonization is no longer a quality aspect but a real key driver for decision-makers. Some airports started with sustainable strategies many years ago, others just a few years ago – but how has it gone? Are these strategies still smart, reliable, strong? What should we expect by 2030 or 2050? What are the relevant lessons learned that we can share?

The audience will learn:

  • Examples of alternative energy measures as a reference of airport sector development
  • What progress has been made through decarbonization strategies, compared with the expectation, after some years of application?
  • What lessons can help other decarbonization strategies be more reliable?