Kathleen Boyd
Kathleen Boyd improves airport customer experience and brand, and is currently working with Delta on its nine hubs. As Houston Airport's CMO, she earned Skytrax's 2019 inaugural award 'Best Airport Website and Digital Experience'. Boyd launched her career at Continental, developing and implementing its blue-and-gold globe brand, revolutionary BusinessFirst, and alliances with Air France and Alitalia. Boyd was named to the prestigious Bordeaux wine society, La Commanderie du Bontemps de Médoc et des Graves, for continental wine selection.
Day -
2 - Customer service, passenger and workforce experience - 09:35 - 10:05
Terminal 2025: it's all in the details
The airline and its consultants have spent the last several years repeatedly auditing its hub airports across 600 variables and prioritizing customer experience improvements. Customer experience excellence is a moving target at airports, with almost daily upgrades across the industry. Nevertheless, great progress has been made, including wayfinding, digital signage, security, seating, restrooms, Wi-Fi, clubrooms, baggage, check-in, transit, concessions, website and accessibility. The airline is hyper-focused on the customer experience on the ground and in the air.
The audience will learn:
- Airport excellence is a moving target
- What gets measured gets managed
- Customer needs are constantly changing
- Improvements in the customer experience not only drive customer satisfaction but also generate revenues