Andrea Castellanos Gomez
Andrea has more than 20 years of work experience in managing positions on highways and airport projects, which includes experience working in the UK with an international company. For the past 14 years, Andrea has been involved in airport planning, design, development, and construction. As part of the Bogotá Airport management team, Andrea was the chief of construction of the latest terminal expansion, new platforms construction, and runway compliance works, which involved coordination.
Day -
1 - Airport design, planning and development - 09:05 - 10:05
Panel discussion: Gateways to the Americas – challenges and opportunities of hub
Gateways across the Americas, from Canada and the USA in the north to Colombia, Peru and Argentina in the south, are embarking on major expansion programs to meet capacity demand. Such major capital programs at existing airports result in challenges when it comes to the goal of simultaneously retaining/enhancing customer and stakeholder satisfaction. The panelists will share examples and case studies illustrating how this delicate balance will be addressed in the coming years in the plans and designs at their respective airports.
The audience will learn:
- Challenges of airports in the Americas
- How to balance capacity expansion and customer experience at operational airports
- Case studies from leading hub airports
- How to put customer experience at the heart of planning and design
- Smart planning of airport development to safeguard ongoing operations