Eduardo Pinilla
Eduardo Pinilla holds an MSc in industrial engineering, a master's in adaptive strategy and scenario analysis, and an executive MBA. He joined Aena's innovation unit in 2023 to contribute to the development of the company’s innovation strategy. Throughout his career, Pinilla has worked with cutting-edge technologies in innovative projects, including biometrics (EES, ABC, digital identity) and cybersecurity (IoT, satellite control centers, software-defined radio), among others.
Day -
3 - Facilities management and safety - 12:35 - 13:00
Unleashing drone potential for airport management
This presentation will delve into the innovative projects conducted by AENA, showcasing how drone technology has been integrated into both airside and landside operations to enhance airport management. This will include the challenges encountered and the additional platforms required beyond the drones themselves, as well as examples of the tests conducted. Specific use cases to be covered include infrastructure inspection, runway, and taxiway inspection/PAPI calibration. The presentation will additionally cover how to address the introduction of drones as a tool within an airport network.
The audience will learn:
- Potential of the use of drones for airport management
- Challenges about drone integration inside airports
- How to define and manage a proof of concept about drones
- Learnings and best practices