Speaker Details

Marilize Crafford

Marilize Crafford

Marilize is an experienced designer who is passionate about solving complicated problems for her clients. She is an architect with over 20 years of experience working with complex client organizations and has been involved with several large-scale strategic projects globally, including King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Dublin Airport Authority, Gatwick pier extensions, and the Heathrow expansion program. In her spare time, she enjoys designing furniture and architectural-inspired travels.
Day - 1 - Commercial development – retail, F&B, concessions and experience - 17:00 - 17:30

Creation of a new front door for Heathrow Terminal 4

MSCP4 is the ‘front door’ to T4 for passengers arriving by road, providing drop-off, pickup and short-stay parking facilities. The facility is approaching its 50th anniversary and, with customer needs evolving, is in urgent need of replacement. The project represents one of Heathrow’s largest H7 capital investments. MSCP4 will be replaced with a new facility that enhances the passenger experience, drawing upon innovations in sustainable and accessible design and delivering enhanced commercial revenue. It is a complex logistical challenge to demolish and rebuild MSCP4 while keeping T4 fully open and minimizing disruption to colleagues and passengers.

The audience will learn:

  • Large-scale airport development designed to enhance commercial revenue
  • Delivery of a complex project while maintaining airport operations
  • Sustainable and accessible design
  • Incorporation of modern methods of construction
  • Complex stakeholder consultation and management