Speaker Details

Paul  Evans
Heathrow Airport

Paul Evans

Paul joined Heathrow Airport in 1997 as an engineering apprentice. He is now the security technology manager for the security intelligence and risk team, where he seeks to drive innovations and push boundaries across the aviation security sector. Paul chairs the ACI Europe security technology panel and the ACI World smart security management group.
Day - 2 - Aviation security, technology, process and people - 14:15 - 15:15

Panel discussion: Smart security – a collaboration between airports, governments and airlines

The Smart Security Management Group (SSMG) is an international group of regulators, airport operators and government stakeholders who collaborate to drive innovation through aviation security screening technologies and processes, with the aim of raising standards across the globe. This discussion will illustrate the benefits of a multilateral collaborative approach, and provide insight into the outputs and positive impacts that smart security has already delivered across the industry. It will outline future ambitions that are designed to enhance the way in which security screening is conducted for passengers, while delivering the capability to respond to emerging threats and risks.

The audience will learn:

  • What is smart security and why I should care?
  • As an airport operator, how does smart security benefit me?
  • How has the implementation of smart security impacted security screening?
  • What is the focus for smart security over the next 10-15 years?
  • How do I involve myself in the evolution of smart security as a regulator, airport operator or government agency?