Speaker Details

Sally Chalk

Sally Chalk

Sally specializes in building innovative organizations and is passionate about making a difference in the deaf community. She focuses on creating human-centered, inclusive digital services and products that positively impact lives. Sally leads a diverse team, including deaf entrepreneurs, investors, and stakeholders, to scale artificial intelligence for global sign language accessibility. She plays a pivotal role in guiding the organization’s journey from inception to launch and beyond, driving meaningful change through technology and collaboration.
Day - 3 - Accessibility and assisted travel - 12:20 - 12:45

Breaking down barriers: leveling up inclusivity with AI sign language

Experience how an airport and a startup are revolutionizing accessibility for deaf travelers through the integration of American and British Sign Language (ASL/BSL) with AI technology. Learn from industry experts as they discuss the innovative steps taken to create a more inclusive travel experience. Learn about the technology behind ASL integration, the challenges and successes faced during implementation, and the future implications for accessibility standards in the aviation industry.

The audience will learn:

  • The power of collaboration: discover how partnerships between technology providers, airports and accessibility advocates can drive significant change
  • The importance of inclusivity: the impact of ASL technology on the travel experience and how it can set new standards
  • Technological advances: explore the latest developments in sign language technology to reach this point and expand accessibility
  • Addressing challenges and overcoming obstacles: learn about deploying the technology and adoption curves
  • The future of accessibility: gain insights into the potential future implications of sign language integration