Fredrik Rhodin
Fredrik has been working in the airport industry for over five years. He has several years of experience working in roles that straddle business and technology, such as cloud analyst, business developer, and strategist. His background includes a master's degree in business development, university degrees in both business administration and economics, as well as studies in programming. During the summer he likes to ride his motorcycle.
Day -
1 - Airport cities, regions, and transportation connections - 12:25 - 12:55
A data-driven approach to enhance seamless intermodality at airports
Two strategic initiatives – digital transformation and the airport as a multimodal hub – co-work to develop digital tools and data to optimize and develop sustainable multimodal solutions and solutions for Swedavia's passengers and partners. To assess steps on the path toward seamless and sustainable ground travel to and from the airports, the tools assist Swedavia in strategic planning, stakeholder management and landside operations. The tools, some based on open APIs, also strengthen Swedavia's data-driven abilities and thus provide steps on the digital journey as well.
The audience will learn:
- Swedavia's mission, targets and explorations of indicators for mobility and sustainable travel (on ground)
- Swedavia's exploration and use of new tools to promote sustainable modes of ground transportation
- How digital tools can be applied to assess various schemes and current state of mobility around Sweden
- How Swedavia takes steps toward a deepened data-driven approach in strategy and operations