Speaker Details

Francesco Piccirilli
Aeroporti di Roma

Francesco Piccirilli

At Aeroporti di Roma, Francesco leads the coordination of planning activities concerning terminal, commercial, airside, plants and in relation to the environment, urban planning, hydraulics, mobility, noise and interventions on the territory. He has a master's degree in architectural engineering from La Sapienza University, and an executive MBA from Luiss Business School in Rome. He has spent 15 years in the airport planning sector, with work experience in Italy and abroad.
Day - 1 - Environment and sustainability - 11:25 - 11:55

Fiumicino Airport accessibility: the challenge to reduce Scope 3 emissions

Aeroporti di Roma places the issue of sustainability as a pillar of its strategy and development. Targets are very ambitious: to reach net zero emissions for operations under direct control (Scope 1 + Scope 2) by 2030, ahead of the targets set by the European airport sector, and define the roadmap to reduce Scope 3 emissions. Infrastructure development projects across the network play a key role and need to be integrated to assess the benefits with respect to the evolution of passengers and airport operators. ADR illustrates its methodology.

The audience will learn:

  • Scope 3
  • Airport planning
  • Airport accessibility