Speaker Details

Dennis Iskra
Charlotte Douglas International Airport

Dennis Iskra

Dennis is a registered architect specializing in aviation projects, with over 25 years of experience in planning, designing, managing, and overseeing a broad range of aviation-specific infrastructure projects in North, South, and Central America. As the senior airport architect at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, he is responsible for the inception, development, and coordination of architectural planning and design projects.
Day - 3 - Airport design, planning and development - 10:45 - 11:10

Panel discussion: Experience + education – using design to enrich the passenger experience

Fostering a strong sense of place is essential to every airport environment. Airports around the globe face the challenge of using the built environment to convey the unique narratives of the regions they serve. How can these stories be brought to life in ways that truly enhance the passenger experience? This panel will explore how a design methodology rooted in experiential elements and storytelling can transform the traditional airport environment into a vibrant, engaged community space. We will share examples across CLT that use unexpected elements and sensory experiences as a thesis for implementing concepts at airports across the globe.

The audience will learn:

  • Why it matters – spaces rich in immersive, discoverable elements play a critical role in elevating the passenger experience
  • How key experiential moments become recognizable via social media and attract passengers even before they reach the airport
  • How experiential elements focused on education allow for interpretive moments throughout each passenger’s journey
  • Strategies for coordination across entire facilities, positioning elements that support wayfinding strategies, serving as beacons across a cohesive experience
  • Empowering the unexpected – explore how interventions encountered throughout the passenger journey offer means for engagement, education, distraction and enjoyment