Speaker Details

Thomas Romig ACI World

Thomas Romig

Thomas Romig joined Airports Council International (ACI) in November 2020 as vice president of safety, security and operations. He heads up all advocacy efforts and program areas related to airport operations – ranging from airside safety, airport capacity and slots, through to facilitation and security and across into innovation and IT. Before this, he held several senior leadership positions at Geneva Airport in Switzerland, both in safety and operations.


Panel discussion: Collaboration to investigate alternative aviation fuels airport compatibility

Hydrogen and electricity have been identified as significant contributors to the decarbonization efforts underway across the industry, but also have the potential to generate some new challenges for airport operators that need to be identified and managed appropriately. A task force has been established to identify the possible impacts on airport operations and infrastructure and prepare the pathway for the regulatory changes that will be needed within the ICAO framework. The presentation will highlight the task force's collaborative way of working, outcomes of previous and current ones, and the way forward to fit with the ambitious industry decarbonization objectives.